About John Watson Plumbers

John Watson Plumbers

John Watson Plumbers have provided plumbing services around Gympie for many years. We’ve built an outstanding reputation in Gympie on the basis of:

  • Complete honesty, transparency and excellent communication within the business and with our customers – you’ll know where you stand every step of the way.
  • Providing consistently excellent plumbing, gas fitting, repair, installation and maintenance services – our expertise is second to none.
  • Answering calls quickly and maintaining excellent response times.
  • Respecting the property and time of our customers.
  • Educating ourselves on the latest products and services in the plumbing industry.
  • Providing sustainable energy-efficient ‘green’ plumbing solutions as an integral part of our business.

Caravan Gas Safety Certificates

John Watson Plumbers are licensed to provide you with a Caravan Gas Safety Certificate. It is a LEGAL REQUIREMENT in Queensland for you to supply a Caravan Gas Safety Certificate when transferring ownership or registration details of a Caravan or Camper Trailer.

Gas Installations

John Watson Plumbers have considerable expertise in the installation and repair of gas appliances for the home or commercial applications such as restaurants and hotels.

Bathroom Renovations

John Watson Plumbers have completed many successful bathroom renovations over a long period of time and these include smaller jobs such as the installation of a new vanity unit, to large projects encompassing brand new bathrooms built from the ground up. The addition of an ensuite to a bedroom adds value to the property and we can offer some great options here.

Our Plumbing Guarantee.

John Watson Plumbers stand by the high standard of our excellent work. If there is any problem with any of our work or clean up after we’ve finished the job, we’ll return to the site quickly and at no further charge to you.

 John Watson is a registered member of QBCC – Number 1011923

John Watson Plumbers